I just discovered Wengo a few days ago, thanks to the famous 'Web3' conference held in Paris, France, earlier this week. Wengo is a french startup surfing on the Web 2.0 wave, who provides a competencies sharing tool (online, of course), using its WengoPhone. See the nice widget on the sidebar. Will it work ? I don't know. Will it be useful ? I don't know. As many of the startups in this new Bubble - ooops, sorry ;-), in this new era, Wengo is currently operating in beta mode. So, better give it... a try !
ps : the WengoPhone is competing against Skype. My suggestion : download it (here) and do the comparison yourself. After setting up my account on Wengo and searching for contacts, I can tell you : Wengo is not a threat for the P2P giant. Just an example : when you search a new contact with Skype, you stay within the program, a pop-up window coming up with speed and grace; doing the same thing with Wengo, you have to go onto a website... There is room for improvements !