Yesterday, I met with the co-founder of a Web 2.0 startup here in Paris, France, doing WebTV kind of new venture. She is looking for someone able to set up the entire technical infrastructure, from the software apps to the video servers to the fibers, etc.
During our discussion, a couple of things came to my mind. For instance, what are our strengths in the new Internet, us Frenchies. Okay, dear American readers, no bad joke, I am serious. What is it that make us shine in this Web 2.0 world ? Apart a handful of websites or tools such as Netvibes, what do we do ? I am afraid the answer is : not that much. Our country is not suited for High-Tech. We have lost the leadership in the Telecoms sector, we are losing it in the Automotive industry, we are facing major issues in the Aerospace domain (see Airbus ' turmoil). Are we leading something in the fast-growing Green industry ? Nope. At least, not yet - not before the forthcoming Presidential elections here. Okay, enough complaints, it's time for act ;-)
So, my advice to her was : go to Silicon Valley. There is willingness to move ahead there, to innovate, to create, to build the Future, no matter this one will last one year, one IPO, or one handful of decades... Investors are back, money seems to be flooding again along the Bay Area, and the fun is there again. For concrete information on that trend, read the recent article : " Tech IPOs: They're back! ", by Michael V. Copeland, Business 2.0 Magazine.
I really believe a ticket to SFO would be worth the investment. What is 1.5k euros bill (i.e. total expenses for a business week in the Bay Area) compared to the richness of contacts one may initiate in the Valley ?...
ps : anyone knowing about a Netvibes kind of site for video/TV feeds ONLY, please drop me an email !