Just a few hours after I posted the short notice about the issue * with the new SnapShot feature, I received a comment from Erik Wingren of Snap.com. Erik gave me a few hints, which appeared to be the right ones to solve the problem.
Erik' s quick reaction is a perfect example of a customer-focused attitude. Being currently involved with two Web 2.0 startups, I wish we can provide such of attention to our own customers and users right from the very beginning of our operations.
Actually, I am either a regular user or a beta tester at lots of new firms here and there on the Net. Honnestly, I'm quite disappointed by the lack of attention from the majority of the France-based Web 2.0 startups. No wonder why we are always considered as arrogant people...
On the other side of the spectrum, I'm always delighted by the responsivness of the young US firms. Seems that a large bunch of American Web 2.0 entrepreneurs have learned Peter Drucker at high-school. Or maybe they read Guy Kawasaki' s " The Art of Bootstrapping " !
* : most probably, the issue came from wrong settings sent by my browser - Opera 9.20 for Mac, still the best user-experience. As I did the update just before heading for a meeting in Paris, the conclusion is the same as usual : never upgrade your system when you're in a hurry !