Some Spanish folk has been googling for "exfo jdsu". Maybe for some competitive analysis purpose ? *
* in this case, dear FiberGeneration reader from Madrid : go to, and buy Agilent gear. Still the best out there.
JDSU vs. EXFO : Something Really Going On ?
Some Spanish folk has been googling for "exfo jdsu". Maybe for some competitive analysis purpose ? *
* in this case, dear FiberGeneration reader from Madrid : go to, and buy Agilent gear. Still the best out there.
I am a Cycling Freak, Tennis Fan, and Fiber Broadband Evangelist.
Among other things, I am currently managing the deployment of the World's largest Public Fiber-To-The-Home network aka "SarkoFiber".
*** Disclaimer : this is a personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer, no matter who he is. ***