Back in the late 80's, I decided to name the Fiber Optics Network team at the Telecoms Department of SNCF French Railroads after the initials of its members. The good news : we were only three guys. That made it easy : "Duchesne, Bernard, Millorit" gives "dBm". Unfortunately, I was so naive that I didn't protect this name...
Today, I'm deeply involved in Fiber-To-The-Home, helping french CableTV operator Numericable to build THD Seine, the world-largest public FTTH network to date. My trigram at Numericable : MDU.
I'm hungrily waiting for the next one. As I'm doing Fiber test & measurement since the very beginning, I guess I'll end up my career with something like "OTDR" : "Oh, Time for Duchesne to Retire" !