You Dear FiberGeneration Readers might have noticed that this blog is quite calm these days in term of new, fresh content.
Fact is, I do face some hard times figuring out how to feed you with interesting stuff since a while now.
Actually, I'm spending less and less time here for you since I've started to work on the biggest project I've got the chance to work on since the very beginning of my career, back in early 1983.
The first terrestrial optical link ever in commercial use in France by the French Railways in 1985, the optical network design for the first spanish high speed train in 1989, the first ribbon-fiber-based LAN system developed by french cable manufacturer Acome in 1997, the first (and still only to date) plug & play telecom test platform by Agilent Technologies in 2002, the first broadband powerline plug by LEA in 2005, all of this seems nothing compared to the project I'm on today...
420M€ total investments, including 59M€ from the local government, 820,000 households to pass in 6 years : meet THD Seine, aka "DSP92". The largest Public Fiber-To-The-Home network in the World to date. Designed by french CATV operator Numericable for the Hauts de Seine département. The biggest challenger on the french Broadband market place working for the biggest economic place in the country. No more, no less.
And I am THD Seine Project Director at Sequalum, the operators' operator created by Numericable together with Construction & Engineering worldwide leader Eiffage and SFR to manage the network during the 25 years of the contract with the Hauts de Seine government.
That means I have tons of things to share with you, which I can't. Either because the Business of Conduct Policy obviously forbid it, either because my own ethics make me reluctant to do it, or simply because I'm too exhausted sometimes to write down something intelligent for you even if not relating to this very project.
When I was working on the Pau Broadband Country two years ago or so, I couldn't blog much on my activities there because I had some sort of a gentleman agreement with my dear client and boss Jean-Pierre Jambes.
Today, the situation is totally different: I can't blog at all. Or just a bit, here and there (links in french), on my spare time - you know, between the private life matters and the business ones.
However, I keep FiberGeneration alive. The reason is: I'm currently learning how to better manage my own time, for me to do more in less time so that I can free up my agenda. My plans for the evolution of FiberGeneration are still valid, it's just a question of availability of me. Mock ups are tested since a long time now, for instance this one here. Stay tuned !...
post-scriptum : I don't blog, yet I tweet. You can follow me here.